Forman Christian College Lahore

Forman Christian College Lahore

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1- GC Lahore may have a building resembling to Hogwarts but FC College is more practically a Hogwarts for it's students.

That's because of it's immense expanded campus, and having lectures at different blocks, unlike school where you have a particular class room for all of your classes.

You might don't observe this fact being a formanite or non-formanite if you haven't seen Harry Potter yet.

2- FC College is ranked as the second best college for Intermediate after GC College.

When it comes to studying intermediate in Lahore, then after GC the only dream college of students of Lahore is FC college.

3- FC is best know for it's beautiful campus.

FC college has a very large, immense and impressive campus, lush with greenery, Trees everywhere and everywhere in the campus.

4- FC is best know for it's study environment.

When it comes to environment, no college will beat FC in environment regarding study and overall. Being in FC only you need to be careful is about choosing good friends.

5- FC College has best Labs.

Yes this is really true, one of the best thing FC College has, its labs either it is a computer lab, chemistry lab or a physics lab are just outstanding.

Labs are really cool and awesome, most importantly with complete experimental stuff.
Even GC Lack such labs.


1- FC is also known as "Money-eating machine", because of its his academic expenses and it's fines.

Yes this is a very disappointing thing about FC, it is often know as money-eating machine as mentioned above, it has really high tuition fee.

2- College fines-

 It is really a frighting thing financially over here, if you belong to a middle class then avoid trying breaking its rules. And go straight with its proper rules and regulations.
Because fines are really high!!

You might heard of fines in govt: colleges like there's a fine of 500 to 2000Rs max on short attendance, but that is not the case over here. You'll be charged 6000Rs, if you have attendance less then 75% .

This is nothing! Let's see more of it..

  • In case you forgot your ID card at home and still wanted to enter into college, then you'll be fined 1000-Rs.

    It means you'll be allowed to your own college of which you pay fees, but charging you 1000rs in such condition as mentioned above!

    Really!! I mean this is insane, students are human too. They forgot things too! They pay the fee they should let be entered into college with a warning :))
  • In case you violated the uniform code, you'll be fined from 1000 upto 2500rs.
  • In case you're caught doing smoking in College boundry, you may be fined over 5000rs!

    Well this's good! Because smoking is not the trade of students!
  • In case, taking a picture of a female teacher without her permission, may lead you to get a suspension letter or fine or both. Again this is a good law!

3- Lack of seriousness of Faculty.

No doubt FC has one of the best faculty, they always perfer teachers with Masters, Mphils and PhDs, but their attitude towards students and studies is not that much serious!

Someone emailed us this fact! Correct us if we are wrong.

More to come soon, keep visiting.

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